Tuesday, May 08, 2007



I know that I can handle whatever life gives me (I've had a great deal of practice).........However, I would now prefer more bouquets than lemons.......I've made enough lemonade, (gallons or should it be litres of the stuff - I've been knee deep in lemonade!)
It's time to smell the roses!......so life, you can now start throwing me roses.....then I can begin to make the bouquets!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I have come to realize that whenever I am feeling unhappy, it is because my thoughts are connected to something that has already happened or I believed would or could happen.

The analogy that came to mind was like a small child on a swing, who gets scared whenever he swings too far forward or too far backwards.......So can negative thoughts attack the mind, when it needlessly swings into the past or future.......Yet when the swing stops at it's natural position we can rest quietly.

When I can keep my mind focused on the blessings in my life, that I can count on right NOW in this very moment, any unhappiness dissolves into nothingness.......because there is only NOW.....and being fully PRESENT.