Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Forgot to mention, I completed the on-line survey. It will be interesting to know which of my answers were correct. With some I was being optimistic and with others maybe I was somewhat conservative in my replies.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Hi everyone,

Here I am at last with blog number 2. I did have a lovely seasonal picture of a xmas tree that I did in the office on Friday, with the help and expertise of Natalie (thank you Nat for your encouragement and patience) But as you can see (or in this case, cannot see) I have not been able to use it, or I have accidentally deleted it, ( you will have to take my word for it, I will try and do another one next time)
Regarding the updated web-site, it looks really, really good, very impressive. Well done all of you.
Just read the minutes of the last meeting, and the agenda for the forthcoming meeting on the 19th December. Thanks for that, I shall be there.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Well here I am at last, I made it, hooray. It has been quite mind boggling(as opposed to mind bloggling) It has taken me approximately 2 hours to reach this stage,(but I did it,that's the most important factor) I said on Thursday that I would "have a go" didn't I Nat.

This has been way out of my comfort zone, (which is good, I've been looking to do more things, that take me out of that area)

Spoke too soon, have not been able to publish it yet, some sort of error, I think, I've lost the plot now.