Tuesday, May 08, 2007



I know that I can handle whatever life gives me (I've had a great deal of practice).........However, I would now prefer more bouquets than lemons.......I've made enough lemonade, (gallons or should it be litres of the stuff - I've been knee deep in lemonade!)
It's time to smell the roses!......so life, you can now start throwing me roses.....then I can begin to make the bouquets!


klahanie said...

Hello Domenica-
My your blog certainly 'Rose' to the occasion! May you have rows upon rows of Roses.
Speaking of flowers...if everybody drove a pink automobile in Britain..it would be a Pink 'Car Nation.' Speaking of Lemons...now that reminds me of an old 'banger' I used to drive in Canada. (I think that last sentence may be subject to interpretation.)
A big bouquet to you. Kind regards adanac67.

emma said...

I love flowers - I love giving them and being given them. I hope you get nothing but flowers Domenica! Thanks for the blog, they alway touch my heart and mind.

raphael da caravaggio said...

poetic adulations to you, who sends peace and sunshine to our hearts

raphael da caravaggio

love is your muse

purkul said...


feel that thought

so so true to

to be honest i got board of lemonade to so i went down the marmalade route then sorbae then lemon tarts then homemade cleaning products then i realised that lemons ain't that bad after all!!

stick with it domenica, i hear lemons make good fertiliser too so out of those lemons you'll be growing your own flowers before you know it!

now reading that back i'm not convinced it makes sense in a general sense but it does to me so hopefully it will to you!


Jack said...

Hello Domnica I agree you want the beutiful flowers of life.I think we have all experienced rough times.May you have peace,joy and a good life.

nana said...

hi domanica
thanks for your coments about my sleeping problem
yes it is very scary has for likeing flowers i love them music to speek to you soon nana

nana said...

sorry its me again
i wanted to tell you how beatifull
your mother is
speek to you soon nana

Jack said...

Hello Domenica I have just read your blogs. They are very interesting. The poem Desedirati is very positive and calming.It is a good guide to live by. I hope you get to do the the things you want to do.Take care.

Mind Bloggling Team said...

Hello Domenica,

Just a quick reminder that the Mind Bloggling Online Survey is back on line.

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Please spread the word!

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Emma & Nat