Sunday, May 06, 2007


I have come to realize that whenever I am feeling unhappy, it is because my thoughts are connected to something that has already happened or I believed would or could happen.

The analogy that came to mind was like a small child on a swing, who gets scared whenever he swings too far forward or too far backwards.......So can negative thoughts attack the mind, when it needlessly swings into the past or future.......Yet when the swing stops at it's natural position we can rest quietly.

When I can keep my mind focused on the blessings in my life, that I can count on right NOW in this very moment, any unhappiness dissolves into nothingness.......because there is only NOW.....and being fully PRESENT.


klahanie said...

Greetings Domenica-
What a very descriptive analogy. The 'swing' when it stops and rests in a stable position reminds me of pursuing the 'happy medium.'
Being overwhelmed by past events and suffocated by negative speculation prevents us from seeing the more positive picture.
Living for the 'now.' That can be so difficult. Yet if we grasp the positive possibilities of 'now' the future can be perceived with positive anticipation.
Staying focused on the blessings in our life; that is most certainly the key. I know, for through all the negativity that we encounter..we defy this and embrace the gift of hope.
We have the right to be happy. Total respect Domenica. Warm wishes adanac67.

emma said...

Yes, what a brilliant analogy. It's so true, Domenica. The feeling is exactly the same too, it's a giddy, unpleasant, sensation, - not quite in control. But how to live in the now - that's such a difficult thing to do. Just have to keep on trying. Thanks for yet another beautifully insightful blog.

purkul said...


2 true 2 true!
its easier said than done though some times i think!
i find that things creep in some times without ya really knowing

'ma ma always said you can't move forward till you put the past behind you!'

love forrest gump me, watched it last night its full of great little gems of wisdom like that!


Simon said...

Another wonderfully positive slice of wisdom! Reading your blogs always makes me feel better, if you ever feel down though, don't hesitate to post about it so we can all cheer you up too!
Love and best wishes,

klahanie said...

Hi Domenica-
Thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my latest blog. It does mean a great deal to me to experience the empathetic interaction on our site.
It was very nice to meet you on Thursday. Domenica, you are a kind and decent person. You have a great sense of humour..and, good grief, don't we need a laugh! You have my complete respect. Warm regards adanac67.

tone the blueshawk said...

I completely understand what Purk says about the negative speculation creeping in - I ofetn wake in the morning with my head full of the worst interpretations of things going round in my head - I know what you mean about a swing D - to me it often feels more like a roundabout - near impossible to get off, and the real world looks like a blur. Thanks for a very thought-provoking post. love txxx

Ken said...

HI Domenica
thank you for your comment .Hope to hear from you again.