Sunday, April 29, 2007


On Wednesday (the 18th April - to be precise) I experienced what I have now come to think of as 'Wacky Wednesday' - when, for one day I momentarily lost my faith, hope and trust. (the very things that had 'kept me going' and given me strength in challenging and troublesome times) They had all completely deserted me! - I had lost my way a little, (no, I had lost my way a lot!)
This took me completely by surprise, because I had not felt like this for about 10 years. I had done so much work on myself, overcome so much and had developed such a positive mind-set, I must have thought I was invincible (not so!)
Now for the good news, by experiencing that one day I have learned more than I would ever have thought possible, ( I thought that I had already learned quite a lot about myself - which I have, but of course there are always more lessons to learn)
I started to bombard myself with so much positive self-talk, and of course it worked eventually. (what we think about is what we get!) It took a little time and patience, this may sound somewhat simplistic but it works for me, I'm glad to say.
Nothing much has changed with regard to my life on the outside, which continues to be challenging at times, but on the inside (which for me is where it really counts) there has been a huge shift.
So I have now regained my : FAITH....... in myself.
TRUST....... that things can and do change, (and it can happen in the twinkling of an eye)
HOPE....... In a bigger, brighter and better future.


Leigh P said...

Interesting thoughts domenica - and I like your idea of Faith, Trust and Hope - in reality they are more than just words on a wristband....


klahanie said...

Greetings Domenica-
I know how much we can be overwhelmed by "challenging and troublesome times."
Faith, hope and trust. Such vital elements in our pursuit of a more positive life. When those little 'blips' occur it can really shake our belief in Humanity.
Indeed, it can seem "like a smile is just a frown turned upside down."
Yet through all of your challenging times, you have shown remarkable inner-strength and resilience. You analysed a negative experience and discovered more about who you are. That is most positive Domenica.
May your positive shift continue. Your self-worth is a precious commodity. Faith, trust and hope. Carry that in your heart. Here's to you having a bigger, brighter and better future. Domenica..stay inspired.
I thank you for your transparency. Kind regards adanac67.

emma said...

You have shown remarkable strength and resilliance Domenica. You are an inspiration to me. I know a little of the difficult situation you're facing and yet the compassion you show to others never faulters. What you say resonates with me. You face these difficulties with immense courage and give me hope and faith that in change happens. I know that it will and I believe it will.

purkul said...

hya domenica,

i'm sorry to hear you've had such a tough time of it, but i'm glad that you've gained such strength and incite from it.

like you always say, there's always a positive in everything you just have to look a little harder some times!

i'm a big believer in the old saying 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' its hard to see sometimes, at the time. but the more hard times i get through the more i realize that there's a lot of truth in it!

keep on keeping on domenica,

it needs to rain for a rainbow!


tone the blueshawk said...

Sorry that it was an unsettling experience - but I suspect the feeling of renewal is very powerful and positive - after the dark, the light. And I can't think of any better person for you to have faith in than you. Thanks for a great post - love Tone xxx

bilingual said...

thank you for your thoughts,much welcomed by me and my wife

Simon said...

Hi domenica i can really empathise with you! Dark nights (and days) of the soul are never plesant but can often be enlightening and ultimately positive and life-affirming. Your strength and faith got you through and as has been said often what does not kill us does make us stronger! Keep on going, you are a strong person and a very caring one and i always appreciate you taking the time to comment in a positive way on my blogs!
Take care, love simon x