Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I thought I would like to share the words from one of the many wonderful and truly inspirational movies I recieve via email. I have forwarded some of them on to friends and people who's email address I have. (The melody that accompanies the words is also quite magnificent, unfortunately I can't share the music with you) but I wanted to find a way of sharing the words - and so I thought of putting them on a blog!


May you be blessed with all things good.

May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count.

May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand, on all the beaches, on all the oceans in the world.

May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger, and may beauty order and abundance be your constant companions.

May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.

May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust.

And when there is only darkness and the storms of life are closing in, May the light at the core of your being illuminate the world.

May you always have music and laughter, and may a rainbow follow every storm.

May gladness wash away every disappointment, may joy dissolve every sorrow and love ease every pain.

May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph.

And with each passing day, may you live more abundantly than the day before.


emma said...

Your blog is always so inspriing Domenica. Thanks again for sharing your invaluable inspriational offerings. M x.

purkul said...


what can i say!?

brill that domenica as par usual!
p.s there's a disk at the MAGMH office with the pix from apedale on 4 ya when ya about!


klahanie said...

Hi Domenica-
Another inspiring message. Thank you for posting, such wonderful stuff. You keep smiling eh. I must go now and stare at my 'mid-life chrisis' mobile. Keep on smiling.
Best wishes adanac67.

klahanie said...

Hi Domenica-
Thank you so much for your kind and comforting words on my most recent blog.
You display the warmth and compassion that I have found most elusive over the last few years.
Domenica, you are a beacon of hope in my continued challenge to stay positive and confront my ongoing negative environment.
You are a decent human being and you have a fantastic sense of humour. Heck, we all need a good laugh. You make me smile. Keep up with your wonderful blogs.
Thanks Domenica. Must go now and wander through my garden. Warm regards Gary.