Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I went along to a Social Care Conference today, held at the New Vic theatre, which MAGMH had been invited to attend.
The delegates consisted of approximately 150 young people between 14 and 19 years of age. The programme commenced with a series of 5 mini-plays, improvised by a group of people (some were professional actors, others were not)
The topics covered were quite 'hard hitting' i.e. Loss/Grief/ Morals/ Ethics/Mental and Emotional well-being etc.
These issues were portrayed in a very dramatic manner, which proved to be an extremely powerful and creative way of getting an important message across to the audience.
We then went into our different workshops to discuss and explore the issues raised.
After lunch we re-entered the theatre, and the plays were performed again, but this time incorporating the lessons we felt needed to be learned, in order to facilitate a more positive and satisfactory outcome for all the participants concerned.
I came away feeling that the Conference was a great success, and feel sure that it will have empowered and enlightened the young caring professionals of the future.


emma said...

Hi Domenica,

Sounds great - wish I'd been there. Discussing issues such as those you mentioned can be very challenging, particularly for the young people concerned, an yet it's so important to do this. The New Vic theatre do some excellent asking questions of young people that would perhaps never be asked. M x.

sunseeker said...

I'm glad to know that you feel it was worthwhile - I know that I personally was very moved by some of the issues raised.

Let's hope that some of the young delegates can put some of the lessons learned into practice in their futures.

Thanks for your valuable input to the day!